1. Product synchronization

Runs: Periodically or when triggered manually

Products you selected from your store are synchronized with bol.com through the so-called “Offer API”.
This can be done manually, or automatically using a cron-job/scheduled task.

When activating or modifying a single product the changes are sent to bol.com instantly

2. Order fetching

Runs: Periodically or when triggered manually

New orders get fetched from bol.com using their “Order API”.
This can be done manually, or automatically using a cron-job/scheduled task.

3. Order fulfillment

Runs: Instant, when changing the order status to a “shipped” or “cancelled” state.

When you change the status of a bol.com order, the order gets marked as such at bol.com directly, using their Plaza API.
The progress of the shipment/cancellation notification at bol.com is checked every time you open the order, until a final status at bol.com is reached.

In case you cancelled on item from a multi-item order, then you must first specify the cancellation reason before the cancellation is actually sent to bol.com for processing.